Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui adopts the Five Marks of Mission formulated by the Anglican Consultative Council as our mission:
1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
All parishes of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (HKSKH) have their own mission plans. Apart from evangelical rallies organized by parishes, primary and secondary schools under parishes also organize Bible camps and other activities aimed at bringing others to God. For the overall mission strategy of the HKSKH, we will establish and strengthen the new mission strategy combining our parishes, schools and social service organizations.
2. To teach, baptize and nurture new believers
SKH Ming Hua Theological College is responsible for training people who have been called to ordained ministry. Its academic programmes for laypeople seek to nurture Christians fully in different areas, including the Bible, theology, church history, liturgy, pastoral care and Anglican tradition.
Religious Education Resource Centre has also published books and organized courses for Anglicans at different levels, including the awarded Sunday school teaching materials, and books on Anglicanism.
Parishes will certainly hold baptism classes regularly to nurture new believers to be baptized.
3. To respond to human need by loving service
Social welfare services under the HKSKH are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and seek to witness our roles as servants of Christ by implementing the spirit of "comprehensive and individual care". There are a wide variety of services, targeting toddlers and their families, youngsters and teenagers, the elderly, as well as community development services and other support services. Currently, there are 230 service units in the community.
4. To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation
The Archbishop encourages all Anglicans to be faithful to God and responsible for their own decisions. If they choose to be involved in political and social justice issues, they will have the clergy's support behind. Courses on social justice issues will also be offered in Ming Hua Theological College, in the hope of equipping us to face and respond to social issues.
5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth
To enhance Anglicans' consciousness on environmental protection and foster their sense of stewardship over the world from the Creator, HKSKH has initiated the Used Clothes Recycling Scheme in Anglican parishes with the Salvation Army since 2011. Various activities and educational initiatives on the themes of environmental consciousness have been organized in the schools and social service centres under the Province.