Diocese of Hong Kong Island
Website Address :http://dhk.hkskh.org
Diocese of Eastern Kowloon
Website Address :http://dek.hkskh.org
Diocese of Western Kowloon
Website Address :http://dwk.hkskh.org
Project: "Act of Love" (Chinese content only)
Project "Act of Love" – a community project initiated by the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui with the HKSKH Welfare Council assuming the dual roles of coordination and operational services – is an extension of the time-honoured tradition of a "Caring Church" and aims to provide multi-faceted and timely services to individuals – parishioners and/or members of HKSKH affiliated education and social service units – in trying times as a collaborated response by the Church to the ever-changing needs of society.
Website Address :http://actoflove.hkskh.org
Religious Education Resource Centre
Website Address :http://www.rerc.org.hk
HKSKH Ming Hua Theological College
Website Address :http://www.minghua.org.hk
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council
Website Address :http://www.skhwc.org.hk
Other Social Service Member Agencies:
St. James' Settlement
Website Address :http://www.sjs.org.hk
The Assemblies Website
The Assemblies Website provides primary and secondary school assemblies for teachers and others leading collective worship.
Website Address :http://www.assemblies.org.uk
The Church Calendar: Liturgical Seasons and Related Information
This webpage provides teaching staff, religious education teachers, school chaplains and school evangelist with useful references including information of different Seasons, Church Year, Liturgy for Sheng Kung Hui schools, Lent Services and service rite for anniversary celebrations.
Website Address :http://www.rerc.org.hk/forteachers/index.html
The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union
Website Address :http://www.hkcccu.org.hk
Hong Kong Christian Council
Website Address :http://www.hkcc.org.hk
The Anglican Communion Official Website
This official website of the worldwide Anglican Communion provides resources and links to news and information about the work, witness and worship of the Anglican/Episcopal family of churches in more than 165 countries, including up-to-date news provided by the Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS), Anglican Cycle of Prayer, and its international publication Anglican World; in addition to it being rich in resources – spiritual and informational – for informed Anglicans, the official Anglican Communion website features direct links to global official Communion "Networks" that facilitate communication and co-operation between Anglicans on such issues as the Environment (ACEN), Indigenous People (AIN), Health (AHN), Peace and Justice (APJN), Youth (IAYN), etc. and the work of many ministries the Anglican Communion Office currently include (i.e. Anglican Observer at the UN, Unity Faith and Order, Continuing Indaba Project, Mission, and Theological Education). Information on the work of the Instruments of Communion – Archbishops of Canterbury, Lambeth Conferences, Primates Meetings, and Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) – can also be found on this treasure-trove of resources.
Website Address :http://www.anglicancommunion.org
Archbishop of Canterbury
The official website of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby features both the various roles and responsibilities of the Archbishop of Canterbury that have developed over more than 1400 years of history, and information of the Archbishop (i.e. bio, interviews, press releases and articles) and a collection of his sermons and speeches .
Website Address :http://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org
Canterbury Scholars
The Canterbury Scholars' programme provides unique opportunities for Anglican / Episcopalian Christians from around the Anglican Communion to pray, study and live together at the International Study Centre at the Canterbury Cathedral.
Website Address :http://www.canterburyscholars.org
The Anglican Centre in Rome
This website of The Anglican Centre in Rome, founded in 1966, is informative of the Centre's mission, partners and networks, and its resources (library and course offerings).
Website Address :http://www.anglicancentreinrome.org
St. George's College, Jerusalem
Established in 1920, St. George's College, Jerusalem begun as a theological college and in 1964, became a continuing education center for the Anglican Communion. A wide range of courses are offered at St George's and are open to people of all traditions, clerical and lay. Its website offers information on the College, its faculty and courses.
Website Address :http://www.sgcjerusalem.org
Church of England
The official website of the Church of England contains general information (i.e. Structure, General Synod, Cathedral and Church buildings, the basic tenets of being an Anglican, liturgy, education, etc.), its official media centre, the Church's views, all of its liturgical texts (including Common Worship, published in a family of volumes under the oversight of the Liturgical Commission), youth programmes, Church schools and academies, etc.
Website Address :http://www.churchofengland.org
Church of Ireland
In addition to information on the structures and ethos of the Church, news and press releases, liturgical resources and a directory of the various dioceses and parishes, the Church of Ireland website offers a selection of Singing Psalms recordings and access or direct links to publications – e.g. The Book of Common Prayers (2004) Commentaries by Michael Kennedy – of the Church of Ireland.
Website Address :http://ireland.anglican.org
Church Times Online
The Church Times, a weekly founded in 1863, is independent of the Church of England hierarchy. Its broad outlook and coverage provide reporting of events and opinions across the whole range of Anglican affairs. It also runs book reviews, editorials, feature articles, etc.
Website Address :http://www.churchtimes.co.uk
Compass Rose Society
Established under the auspices of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) so that individuals, parishes, dioceses, provinces, and organizations throughout the world could help provide the much-needed financial support for the work of the Anglican Communion, the Compass Rose Society raises funds to assist the ministry of the Secretariat and the Anglican Consultative Council as they respond to the growing needs of Provinces worldwide. Information on the Society's founding, work, membership, mission and study trips, annual meetings, and the latest issue of the Society's bi-annual publication, Communicator, can be found on its website.
Website Address :http://www.compassrosesociety.org
The Lambeth Conference
The official website of the Lambeth Conference, one of the global Anglican Communion's Instruments of Communion, features archived information on the last two Conferences held in 2008 and 1998, including details of the Conferences and is the home of the Lambeth Resolutions Archive (from the first Lambeth Conference held in 1867 to 2008)
Website Address :http://www.lambethconference.org
Common Worship (from the Church of England)
Pages dedicated to Common Worship under the Church of England website introduces this new generation of services, under the title Common Worship, which draws together the best of modern liturgy and the tradition of worship stemming from the The Book of Common Prayer. Common Worship texts can be downloaded and related information on the publications can be found on these pages.
Website Address :http://www.churchofengland.org/commonworship
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK)
SPCK is the oldest Anglican mission agency, founded in 1698. For over three hundred years SPCK has been working in the UK and around the world to help people to grow in the Christian faith, especially through Christian literature and education; its website offers the Society's news, details of its work and organisation, and publishing works.
Website Address :http://www.spck.org.uk
Church Music
A central source of information for Anglican and Episcopal church and cathedral music, with resources for church musicians, singers, congregation members, or anyone who enjoys this kind of music, the Anglican Church Music Website devotes a special section for Organists and Choirs. It also provides a full range of reference materials on different types of church service, the music that is performed in them recommended books and details of recommended recordings as well as an resources with interactive utilities.
Website Address :http://www.churchmusic.org.uk