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The Provincial Echo

Echo is the weekly newspaper of the Province of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, covering news in the Anglican Church.  The history of Echo can be traced back to the era when the Anglican Church in Hong Kong was part of the Diocese of Kong Yuet (South China) and then the Diocese of Hong Kong and Macau.  Distributed free of charge for almost 70 years, Echo has always been a popular church publication among local and overseas Anglicans of Chinese descendants. Its circulation soared even further following a change in layout in 2008.

Over the years, the vast expenditures on publishing and running Echo have been barely met with donations from the parishioners, subsidies from the Province, and scant advertising revenue. The recent, steady raise in printing cost, paper price, transportation cost, and postage have all added to Echo’s enormous financial pressure. In order to sustain this valuable literary ministry of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, please offer your prayers for and monetary support to Echo.

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