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Ministry Title : Spirituality through the Liturgical Seasons
Article Title : (55) ─ Eucharistic Prayer (VIII): Doxolog
Publish Date : 09-Dec-2017
Author : The Steering Committee of the HKSKH Church Policy Paper - The Working Group for Discipleship Training

At the end of every Eucharistic Prayer, there is a doxology — a short hymn of praises for the Triune God. This is a version we are familiar with: ‘By [Christ], and with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all honour and glory is yours, Almighty Father, now and for ever.’

The Doxology places focus of the entire Eucharistic Prayer on God. God is above all and among all, just as Paul taught, ‘In him we live and move and have our being’ (Acts 17:28). All works of human hands cannot and would not be separated from God who gives all beings the breath of life. As we gather and present before Him, it is only a reflection of His infinite glory for an ultimate goal of reconciling with Him. This reconciliation is accomplished neither because of the words spoken by the Celebrant nor the hymns we sing. It is accomplished only through the only mediator between God and humankind — our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, all the glory is given to God.

In addition, the Doxology allows us to keep hope in mind in waiting for the Lord’s return for renewing all things. Even if we see that the society nowadays is full of evil and quarrels, being falling short of the glory of God; even though the world remains a warring one with people are selfish, self-serving and self-glorifying and continue neglecting the God of life, we still proclaim, ‘Honour, glory and worship to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever more.’ After we declare that only God is worth our praises, we join the Celebrant in response, ‘Amen!’

Advent is upon us. Let us learn from the Doxology being humble and how to expectantly wait for the Lord's return.


  1. What does ‘the Lord wants to have first place in your life’ mean to you?
  2. Other than praising the Lord verbally, what other ways can you praise Him?