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Ministry Title : Spirituality through the Liturgical Seasons
Article Title : (1) Start a new spiritual journey in the season of Advent
Publish Date : 24-Nov-2016
Author : The Steering Committee of the HKSKH Church Policy Paper - The Working Group for Discipleship Training

Advent marks beginning of the liturgical calendar. This is a season for reflection and anticipation. Unlike the secular calendar, Advent isn't a time for celebration in itself but there is a real sense of hope and expectation. As disciples of the Lord, we wait with expectancy, and prepare our hearts with joy, so that, as we look forward to the coming celebration of Christ's incarnation, we also think about his second glorious coming. We embrace the call that the Lord is bestowing upon us. 

We do not wait without hope, because the Lord has already promised us the final victory, and, through the incarnated Lord, let us enjoy the fruit of salvation. Therefore, we do not wait in vain, but with the knowledge that by his victory over death, we await the fulfillment of the Lord’s will every day, and live our lives with hope.

Hence, our life is like that of a woman who is expecting a child, indeed like the Virgin Mary who waited with joy as she was expecting the birth of Jesus. We too should equip ourselves, bear Christ joyfully in our hearts, closely connect our faith with our daily lives, and let our inner Christ grow day by day!

Meditation: How do we spend Advent meaningfully?
  1. Advent lets you review the life that you have gone through. What have you been waiting for? What expectations do you have for your life?
  2. What expectations does the Lord have for you? How do you wait with hope in your heart, allowing the Lord to lead you and discover your calling day by day?
  3. How do you equip yourself, so that the empowerment by Jesus in you may grow day by day?
  4. In Advent, what activities will the Church be held to help the entire community of disciples, so that they may equip themselves and be strengthened in endurance? How will you respond to them ?