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Ministry Title : Spirituality through the Liturgical Seasons
Article Title : (10) True Light that Directs The Heart
Publish Date : 29-Jan-2017
Author : The Steering Committee of the HKSKH Church Policy Paper - The Working Group for Discipleship Training

As Prophet Jeremiah says, “The heart is devious above all else; it is perverse.” (Jer 17:9) If all hearts are revealed, we all would probably need to hide in shame. Indeed, our hearts are like online shops, you can find everything there - be they real or fake items, be they good or bad things, all are possible, except that not all of them can be made known to others, just as not all things on earth are worth pursuing and possessing.

Epiphanytide reminds us that we need to cleanse our hearts. As the Lord’s light shines upon us, all shall be revealed. Through only the truth of incarnation, we can find the way. Indeed, our desires, thoughts and hopes are not always good. Not all of them come from the Lord, nor lead us to Him. On the contrary, some desires and ideas may gradually lead us away from the Lord.

Therefore, our hearts should follow the true light of incarnation, the example of Jesus Christ. He revealed the lifestyle the Lord delights by his life. Following his example and the light of incarnation, we can choose the right way. In simple, the way of incarnation is willing to be humble, obedient and to live for others. Contrarily, pride and selfishness would never lead us to the way Christ walks. If our hearts shall turn to the Lord, we shall make a choice — that our lives should reveal the humility and obedience as exemplified by Christ.

  1. Ask yourself what thoughts, hopes and desires in you are from the Lord? What are not difficult to be shared? May light of the Lord shine upon us so that we follow His wills.
  2. What do you think that a life of humility is? Are humility and confidence contradictory?
  3. Does obedience mean submission to the authority, being a yes-man? If not, what does obedience mean?