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Ministry Title : Spirituality through the Liturgical Seasons
Article Title : (53) Eucharistic Prayer (VI): Proclaiming the Mystery of Faith
Publish Date : 25-Nov-2017
Author : The Steering Committee of the HKSKH Church Policy Paper - The Working Group for Discipleship Training

The climax of worship liturgy occurs when we partake in the Holy Communion. In the Eucharistic Prayer, right after restating the Words of Institution, every words and movements, according to what the Gospels stated, the Celebrant leads the congregation proclaim the mystery of faith, ‘Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.’ (Eucharistic Prayer (A)) Brothers and sisters, should we all understand that worship liturgy is not only a ceremonial performance, but also manifestation of faith that stems from the depths of our hearts. Then, the proclamation are the very words that energise our lives.

In the Eucharistic Prayer, the proclamation of the mystery of faith is a timely reminder to all followers of Christ that the Lord's death smashed the bondage of death to us from sins, the Lord's resurrection made us alive in the spirit; the Lord's return gave us assurance of hope to glory, one day. The proclamation allows us to imprint on our mind Christ's great sacrifice for us, to tell courageously the validity of His resurrection and to trust in His imminent return.

In proclaiming the mystery of faith, we are renewed strength and invigorated by the living Lord in our midst to continue our life journey and would dare to face the reality of life.

May whenever we proclaim the mystery of faith, we can well understand its true meaning and get the vitality from it.


  1. In each service, have you understood every liturgical order and got involved in them?
  2. When proclaiming the mystery of faith, can you truly believe in it and carry out what you believe in your daily living faithfully?